AYNI je serija susreta temeljena na drevnim znanjima, ceremonijama i ritualima koji dolaze iz Andske kozmovizije i loza Q'ero šamana i Q'anchis Ylla ljudi medicine. Na svakom od 9 susreta dobiva se jedna od inicijacija (Munay Ki Rites).


AYNI - Sacred Andean Codes & Ceremonies

"Ayni · a cosmic law which states 'nothing ever goes one way'; a sacred reciprocity and a sacred exchange"

AYNI Sacred Andean Codes & Ceremonies
je serija susreta temeljena na drevnim znanjima, ceremonijama i ritualima koji dolaze iz Andske kozmovizije i loza Q'ero šamana i Q'anchis Ylla ljudi medicine. Na svakom od 9 susreta dobiva se jedna od inicijacija (Munay Ki Rites) koje je Sandra D. Bianco dobila osobno od Marcele Lobos, Don Francisca Chura Floresa i Doñe Juanite Apaze.

Munay-Ki su inicijacijske prakse šamana - Q'ero iz peruanskih Anda i ljudi medicine iz amazonske džungle. To su kodovi/sjeme koje se prenosi kroz 9 iscjeliteljskih rituala i podupire bržu evoluciju svijesti i transformaciju na višu frekvenciju kao svjetlosna bića, kako bismo bili bolje usklađeni s novom, višom frekvencijom Majke Zemlje. Mogu izbrisati karmičke i genetske traume iz prošlosti, ažuriraju DNK omogućujući osobi da stvori novo tijelo koje se iscjeljuje, stari i umire na povoljniji način. Rituali ubrzavaju naš vlastiti proces transformacije, povezuju nas s našom unutarnjom snagom, našom vlastitom prirodom i našim srcem. Pomažu nam stajati svojoj autentičnoj ženskoj i muškoj snazi, u ravnoteži sa samima sobom, sa prirodom i sa svijetom.

Prve četiri inicijacije nisu konsekutivne i ne mora ih se dobiti po redu, dok je ostalih pet inicijacija tzv. 'Lineage Rites' - dobivaju se po tom sljedu i mogu se primiti samo ako se primila barem jedna od prve 4. Ukoliko se prođe svih 9 Rituala, dobiva se Inicijacijski kamen loze (Pi stone).

ONLINE: OD 22.9.2025. (svaki drugi ponedjeljak u 19:30)

KALENDAR SUSRETA UŽIVO (petkom od 20:00 do 22:30 cirka):

1. HAMPE KARPAY (The Healers' Rite) - 29. studeni 2024. - INICIJACIJA ISCJELITELJA

The Healers Rite is known as the Hampe blessing and comes from the highland Q’ero people. It connects us to an ancient lineage of medicine women and men who encourage us towards our personal alchemy. To be a healer for others, we must know from our own experience how to transform our wounds into sources of wisdom and compassion. This lineage accompanies us on our path to harmony and well-being.

2. CHUMPI KARPAY (The Bands of Power Rite) - 13. prosinac 2024. - INICIJACIJA POJASEVA MOĆI

The Bands of Power Rite was transmitted by Juan Victor Nuñez del Prado, whose father was one of the discoverers of the Q’ero nation. These are five energetic belts woven around the body with the essence of each element: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and pure Light. These bands strengthen our connection with nature and act as filters disintegrating negative and heavy energies, thus protecting us physically and psychically.

3. AYNI KARPAY (The Harmony Rite) - 17. siječanj 2025. - INICIJACIJA HARMONIJE

The Harmony Rite comes from the Huachipayre people from the edge of the Amazon, passed on by don Alejandro Cahuanchi, a renowned healer. It connects us to animal spirits Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird, Eagle, and Condor that reset our instincts so we can maintain physical and emotional integrity - they can warn us about the right relationships with people, at the right times, and at the right places. It also connects us to the Guardians of the three mythical worlds: upper, middle, and lower. These keepers guide our evolution, instigating us to heal our past and guiding us to a healthy and auspicious future.

4. KAWAK KARPAY (The Seers Rite) - 14. veljača 2025. - INICIJACIJA VIDIOCA

The Seers Rite is passed by the descendants of the Chimu and Moche cultures from the North Coast of Peru, and by the seers and trackers of the Amazon. It establishes new neural connections between the visual cortex, the third eye, and the heart. Thus, the inner vision of the invisible world of subtle energies is awakened together with the grace of those who see with the eyes of love and compassion.

5. PAMPAMESAYOQ (The Daykeepers Rite) - 7. ožujak 2025. - INICIJACIJA ČUVARA DANA 

The Daykeepers Rite is known among the Andean Paqos as the Pampamesayok, referring to the lowlands and valleys of the ‘pampa’, and to the mesa or altar. It initiates us to a lineage of medicine men and women who bring health and harmony to a community by activating and feeding their altars. The elements earth, water, wind, fire, space are honored and balanced with prayers and intention so life may flow in sacred order. This lineage brings great awareness of the gentle and receptive qualities of life, healing and empowering our relationship to the feminine.

6. ALTOMESAYOQ (The Wisdomkeepers Rite) - 4. travanj 2025. - INICIJACIJA ČUVARA MUDROSTI 

The Wisdomkeepers Rite is known among the Andean P’aqos as the Altomesayok rite, referring to the high mountains of the Andes, passed by Don Manuel Quispe, the great Altomesayok of Q’eros. The Alto Mesayok remembers how to dialogue with nature, understanding in their hearts the energy that moves her cycles and rhythms. In the Andes they are renowned for their ability to call lightning and for their intimate connection with the Apus, the guardian spirits of the mountains.

7. KURAK AKUYEK (The Earthkeepers Rite) - 25. travanj 2025. - INICIJACIJA ČUVARA ZEMLJE

The Earthkeepers Rite is referring to the elder who ‘masticates’ the wisdom to nurture the young ones who follow. These men and women have the truest and broadest vision about the meaning of life on Earth. They have the perspective of life from the consciousness of the sun and the stars that illuminate us. In the mystical Andes they are recognized as the ascended masters who communicate with the stars and masticate their knowledge to deliver it in a soft, discreet, and digestible way to their peoples. 

8. MOSOQ (The Starkeepers Rite) - 30. svibanj 2025. - INICIJACIJA ČUVARA ZVIJEZDA 

The Starkeepers Rite is known as Mosoq Karpay, which means the ‘new rite’ in the Qechua language. This rite announces and prepares one for the ‘time to come.’ This initiation awakens the perception of our possible future, making us aware of the dangers and opportunities; about the horrors and the beauty. It is the awareness of prophets who do not only know the prophecy from a distance, but take an active role in affecting change for a better destiny. From the point of view of Dr. Alberto Villoldo, this initiation opens the doorway to lucidly participate in our evolution from 'homo sapiens' to 'homo luminous'.

9. TAITANCHIS RANTIS (The Creator Rite) - 20. lipanj 2025. - INICIJACIJA STVORITELJA

The Creator Rite comes from the word 'Taitanchis' that literally translates as ‘God’ (Taita = Father). It connects us to our origins - the Absolute Sun, according to Andean lineages. This initiation stimulates us to discover our infinite nature not separated from the creative source and all of creation; makes us sensible to our manifesting power and teaches us to dream the world into being. The Taitanchis Rantis makes us realize that creating is not only a privilege, but also a responsibility, for which, it invites us to create with great love and courage.


Organizator zadržava pravo promjene datuma, uz prethodnu najavu.

Sandra bio



Sandra Đ. Bianco

glavni predavač | | Founder · Teacher Trainer | YT 1100 | E-RYT500 & RPYT | YACEP

Sandra je certificirana Sr. učiteljica YT1000 (E-RYT 500 | RPYT | YACEP) i jedna od pionira dinamične joge u Hrvatskoj, osnivačica GaiaYoge i voditeljica prvog hrvatskog programa za obuku učitelja.



Reservation of your spot is possible only upon the payment of 40€ of non-refundable deposit.

Jedan susret (inicijacija):   45€    Gaia TT's:   40€
Cijeli ciklus (9 inicijacija) 380€    Gaia TT's: 330€


Mjesta ograničena. Prednost imaju polaznici cijelog ciklusa.


Terms & Conditions

The deposit is non-refundable.

For full payments: cancellations made more than 60 days before training start date will not incur cancellation charges and will receive a full refund (except for the bank transitions charge). Cancellations after that date will incur 50% cancellation fee. One week prior to the course no refund will be possible.

By registering for this programme, you voluntarily understand and accept the following terms and conditions as set out below:

I am aware that participating in the programme requires a certain level of fitness and general physical health. I acknowledge and voluntarily assume my responsibility to assess my level of fitness and the risks of injury that are associated with physical activity of any kind including any variety of yoga. I confirm that I shall retain all control over my activities at all times. I voluntarily assume full liability and accept the risk of harm, including physical injury and discomfort as a result of my participation in the activities in this programme. I will inform the teachers and/or assistants of any limitations or medical conditions that may affect my practice.

I agree that organisers reserve the right to accept or kindly decline the application of a participant at any time, to make changes in the schedule whenever reputed necessary for the comfort and convenience to all participants. In the case that the event is cancelled or postponed organisers shall have no responsibility beyond the refund of money or expenses paid by the participant if the event cannot be re-scheduled.

I understand that photos may be utilized for communications efforts. To that end, I hereby grant the organizer permission to record the name, image and/or appearance on the above referenced date or dates of me and to use and publish the pictures, video and digital images and the like without compensation, and I waive any right to inspect or to approve any project that may be created using these materials.



For all your further inquiries about reservations and payment details please e-mail us: info@gaia-yoga.com

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